Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog Help a Hedgehog

Welcome to Help a Hedgehog Hospital

Hedgehogs have always been a much-loved feature of the British countryside, however they have suffered a huge decline in numbers and are in need of our help.

Road casualties and loss of hedgerow are two of the causes of this decline along with changes in farming and land management which have led to fewer places for hedgehogs to live and forage in the countryside. This, together with the use of pesticides and other unfriendly gardening practices all combine to leave less room for hedgehogs.

We are a registered charity and rely entirely on donations from the public and sales of our merchandise at events around the county to continue our work.


If you find an ill or injured hedgehog it will probably be suffering from hypothermia, even in summer.

Place it on a hot (but not boiling hot) water bottle wrapped in a towel and put in a cardboard box or recycle box lined with newspaper.

Cover the box in a blanket, put in a quiet place to warm up and phone us immediately.
You can offer it some water and meaty cat food when it has warmed up.

Please call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890 801 for further advice and local contacts if you are out of the Gloucestershire area.

Hedgehogs that need help are:

Orphaned hoglets - found out of the nest in day, or when the nest has been destroyed and the mother killed or injured.

Injured hedgehogs - with open wounds, fractures, bites, burns, or trapped in some way.

Sick hedgehogs - usually found out in the day, thin, dehydrated, possibly poisoned, or with breathing problems. Hedgehogs that are unsteady on their feet (wobbling, rocking) and one with flies around them.
Autumn juveniles - young hedgehogs born late in the year, weighing under 600g from September onwards - especially if out in the day.

Some hedgehogs should be left alone - they may be nursing females foraging in daylight during the summer, or healthy hedgehogs that have aroused in winter from hibernation. Do not assume they need help unless they are underweight or obviously ill - please ring us for advice.

Please contact us as quickly as possible if you need help with a sick, orphan or injured hedgehog. Time is an important factor in saving lives.

Please note: we are only able to deal with emergency calls in Gloucestershire.

Phone calls for emergencies only, evenings and weekends:
07867 974 525

Please use this email for enquiries:


We are unable to deal with enquiries regarding pet African Pygmy Hedgehogs as these are an entirely different species to the European hedgehog. We can put you in contact with a local rescue centre that deals with Pygmy Hogs but if you need urgent advice, please contact your vet.
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